It’s twenty two monumental sculptures created by artists from the five continents for the Olympic Games of Mexico 1968. Made in concrete and steel with heights that range from 7 to 25 meters tall, the sculptures are located in the South of Mexico City. The proposal was conceived by Mathias Goeritz with the support of architect Pedro Ramirez Vazquez.
Their sustainable surroundings shelter rocky lands with 1800 years of age and polination fields.
Art as a catalyst of conscience and concrete actions against climate change.
TCloverleaf interchange 1: Insurgentes and Periferico Sur
Cloverleaf interchange 2: Viaducto Tlalpan and Periferico Sur
Olympic venues
Zacatepetl and Boulevard de la Luz / Periferico Sur
Archeological zone Cuicuilco B
T: + 52 55 5425.8603 / + 52 5545153040